

The Washington Flowers design is not a guarantee of the product’s origin. Consumers should ask where flowers are from to be sure.  

Terms of Use 

Who Uses the Washington Flowers Design 

The designs with the state of Washington and iconic local flowers and the statement “Washington Flowers” are to be used on products only by the following stakeholders:  

  • project participants who grow flowers in the state 
  • florists, designers and wholesale flower buyers who buy from Washington cut flower farmers.  

Use of Materials on Product or in Advertising 

Use of the marketing materials with the Washington Flowers design on the product or in advertising indicates that you, the seller, will confirm that the flowers were grown in Washington state.  

Future Use 

Washington Flowers designs were developed as part of a three year grant (2017-2019) to test if it would be worthwhile. Please contact [email protected] regarding use of the design beyond the grant period.