What is Charlie's Grocery Pilot?
The Charlie’s Grocery Pilot will run from June 2019 to the end of September 2019. It is a great way for any size flower farm to expand their marketing channels with the assistance of a big, established PNW food/flower wholesaler. Charlie’s Produce will source and distribute the flowers to the grocers; Northwest Independent Grocers will place ads and point of purchase stories about local farms. There is no minimum to become a vendor and sell to Charlie’s.
Participating farmers for this pilot need to apply to Charlie’s Produce and be approved by Charlie’s. It’s not too late to look at this great opportunity to sell more WA-grown flowers through 65-plus PNW independent grocery stores. Flower growers with existing sales at grocery are encouraged to use Washington Flowers designs on your product!
COntact Jodi Allen at [email protected] to become a vendor.